Home » US Trade Representative Sympathizes With EU Concerns Over Surging Chinese EV Imports
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US Trade Representative Sympathizes With EU Concerns Over Surging Chinese EV Imports

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai expressed sympathy Thursday for European Union concerns about surging electric vehicle imports from China, saying the situation seemed to echo what has happened in the past in other important industrial sectors.

But she stopped short of encouraging the EU to take action against the imports or committing the United States to taking similar steps.

“The fact pattern that you’ve described in terms of a strategic, super-relevant industry growing out of China, creating concerns around whether or not the production and the trade is and will happen on a market-based basis, is something that we have been living with now for a couple of decades,” Tai said in an interview at POLITICO’s Global Tech Summit.

Tai was responding to a POLITICO report that the European Commission, at the urging of France, is discussing whether to launch an investigation that could allow Brussels to impose additional levies, known as anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties, on electric vehicle imports from China, which have increased sharply in recent years.

Source : Politico
